Hydroponic System NFT Channel

Hydroponic NFT Channel PVC Pipes is specially designed for Hydroponic System which is used for growth Leaf Vegetables, Fruits and Vegetables (Tomatoes, Lettuces, Peppers , Cucumbers and even rose), It has full intellectual property and applied for patent.

Hydroponic System NFT Channel 


1. Food grade PVC material, long service life.

2. Suitable for vegetable, lettuce or flower, etc.

3. Greatly reduce the consumption of water , nutrients and land.

4. Low cost but stable and high productivity.

5. All the growing conditions can be controlled with hydroponics system.

6. Plants grow healthier ,No pesticide damage,environment friendly,easy to havest.

7. Easy to handle and clean.

Horizontal type

Horrizontal NFT grow system is also called Flat NFT grow system.

This design is low cast and easy to assemble.

It can give vegetables sufficient sunlight.

It is easy for farmers to manage planting and picking.


A Type NFT Hydroponic system

A type hydroponic NFT system is also very popular in commercal growing.

You can make better use of the space to increase yield of vegetables.


Vertical type 

Vertical type is suitable for short space and land 

vertical NFT.jpg

Difference types:

A Type: better land saving, improved light distribution.

Flat Type: good light distribution, poor land saving.
Vertical Type: excellent land saving, poor light distribution, great for shade plants.



Contact: Myhydroponic Team

Phone: 008613662853013

E-mail: info@myhydroponic.cn

Add: Bld#1,Science Technology Innovation Park,Daotian Town,Shouguang City,CN

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